Sunday, 27 February 2011

Joy - Cliff Sequence Shoot

After last weeks filming we have made a few improvement to our animating method, which have proved successful. As well as shooting the cliff scene, we have also re-shot the bench scene and are much happier with it.

The cliff scene was more tricky to light as the tree cast a strong shadow, and we also had the new challenge of shooting with Harold standing.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Joy - Bench Sequence Shoot

Our first day animating, which brought several issues to our attention. The shoot overall went well for our initial attempt, and it gave us a good feel for what is required; how to set up lighting, move the armature and the time scale we needed to shoot in.

However, due to a few hiccups we feel we need to re-shoot this scene. The animation is quite choppy and fast, therefore we need to shoot more frames per second, and we need to make a new hat for Harold!

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Joy - Storyboarding

The storyboarding process began with a basic idea for our storyline. We noted down important actions and locations onto post-it notes which we then stuck on the wall of our studio so we could move them around until we had a sequence we were satisfied with.

This then enabled us to move on to the second phase, adding in notes on design, camera angles and close-ups, lighting notes, character movement and direction.

From this we created a drawn storyboard (pictured above) which we further developed into a moving animatic to get a sense of how much time we needed on each shot and the full length of the film.