This weekend we shot the final scenes with Harold, he has been great to work with and we are very proud of him as our first attempt at creating a functional armature, however he has also highlighted issues we need to address next time.
This shoot involved all the scenes with Harold in his pyjamas, so we were shooting in his bedroom for the first time, as well as filming the night time sequences. The lighting and camera angles were again much easier to control. We particularly like the lighting in the morning sequences when Harold wakes up; the morning sun shines through his window creating a lovely warm glow. The night time shots were equally as simple to light as we just gave each room a direct over-head light source.
Some of these scenes were the most emotional and distressing for Harold in the storyline, therefore we had to effectively portray this in our animation of him. The shots we took this weekend are some of our favourite in the whole film, so it was a brilliant shoot to end on.
We are going to miss Harold!