Monday, 16 May 2011

Joy - Second Edit

We’ve had a little break from Joy while we have been travelling around South East Asia and Hong Kong, it was an amazing trip and a brilliant chance to experience different cultures which are extremely lively and vibrant and we are sure this trip will have some sort of influence on our future work. We also got a chance to visit the 25 Years of Pixar exhibition, which was residing at the Hong Kong National Heritage Museum; an amazing exhibition which shows the vast amount of preparation work that goes into digital animating and is never seen.

After a few days rest to recover from our jet lag we began work on Joy again this weekend, completing a second edit to correct some timing issues and also to experiment with our chroma keying. The soundtrack by John Hamilton is sounding fantastic, it’s extremely emotive and really drives the action and emotion of the film. A behind the scenes short is also now well underway and will provide an insight into the making of stop motion.