Friday, 1 July 2011

The E4sy Way

We spent last weekend making a ten second animated short for the 2011 E4 Estings competition.

Our entry, titled The E4sy Way (clever eh?) is about finding the easy way in. The E4's want to be on TV, and they are all trying their hardest to get inside, but one E4 has more common sense than the others.

The video made within two days. We already had our idea for the concept and design so the first day was spent making the set, which was fairly straightforward, but we had to consider how we would do things like having the E4's coming through the wall and floor. Then the second day was spent shooting and editing, which was also very straightforward as we were just animating objects rather than human characters. All in all it was really enjoyable to work on something that was fast paced and completed very quickly, we'll definitely be entering again next time!

You can watch the video and vote for our entry in the competition by following this link and clicking Yay!

There are also photo's of the design, construction and production of The E4sy Way on our facebook page: or in the new gallery on our website: